Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This is an assignment for my Style class with Mike Humphries. The subject was 2 alley cats in a Pasadena alleyway in the style of "101 Dalmatians."

This is a layout assignment from my Sketching for Entertainment class with Will Weston.

This series of characters was done for my version of the movie: "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." All the characters were based off characters from the original film, except I turned them into animals.   
The Good became a sloth, the Bad a bearded dragon, the Ugly a gila monster, and Father Ramirez a wild pig. They were created in my Inventive Character class with Lou Police.

This was a 5-piece project for a course I took with Jeff Smith: Illustrative Storytelling.

These are gauche/digital paintings I did in Mike Humphrie's Digital Landscape class.

These are storyboards I did for my storyboarding class with Ricardo Delgado. The ones shown are from a episode of the cartoon: "Green Lantern: The Animated Series", and the Movie: "The Nightmare Before Christmas."